Fisher-Price recalls more than 2 million infant swings after 5 deaths
Fisher-Price Recalls Infant Gliders After Four Reports of Infant Deaths
Improper use of Boppy nursing pillows, loungers linked to 7 infant deaths
H.R.3182 Safe Sleep for Babies Act of 2021
4moms Recalls More than 2 Million MamaRoo and RockaRoo Infant Swings and Rockers
*CPSC warns that weighted infant swaddles and blankets are unsafe for sleep
What is safe sleep?
Babies sleep safest Alone, on their Backs, in a Crib for nighttime, nap time and every time.
Sleep-related infant death is the leading cause of infant mortality from one month to one year of age.
Sleep-related infant death can result from unintentional suffocation/strangulation. The best way to prevent sleep-related deaths is for all parents and caregivers to provide a safe sleeping environment for infants.
Safe Sleep should not be confused with Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Sleep related deaths are almost entirely preventable; true SIDS deaths are not. With continued education we are learning that many infant deaths that would have previously been identified as SIDS are now being determined as sleep-related deaths.
To prevent sleep related infant deaths, practice your ABC’s for every sleep.
What does safe sleep look like?

babies should always sleep alone without anyone or anything in the sleep space

back to sleep for every sleep…night time, nap time, every time

place baby in a crib, bassinet or portable play area with a firm sleep surface and fitted sheet
Unsafe Sleep Statistics 2022
More Information
Report a Concern
Missouri Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline: 800-392-3738