Prevention Discussion Points To Have With Infant Caregivers

  • Discuss the ABC’s with the caregiver. All infants should sleep Alone, one their Back, and in their own Crib.
  • Provide visuals to the infant caregivers, showing what a safe sleep environment looks like.
  • Remind all infant caregivers that babies should always sleep ALONE in their own sleep area, close to their caregiver’s bed, but on a separate sleep surface. Babies should have their crib, portable crib, play yard, or bassinet placed in their caregiver’s bedroom for at least 6 months but preferably a year.
  • A baby should sleep on their BACK in a CRIB, bassinet, or pack in play with only a fitted sheet. There should be no toys or soft bedding such as blankets, bumper pads, or pillows in the baby’s sleep area. Sleep sacks and long pajamas can be used to keep the baby warm.
  • Never place your baby to sleep on a couch, sofa, or armchair. This is an extremely dangerous place for your baby to sleep.
  • Have open conversations with the caregiver about the risk of infant’s death by sharing a sleep space with their infant.
  • If a parent is worried about their baby getting cold, encourage them to dress the baby in a wearable blanket, sleep sack, or pajamas with feet. Do not overdress the baby; overheating can be a trigger for comfort-keep them comfortably warm.
  • Discuss with parent how they will talk about safe sleep for their infant with other caregivers for their child (e.g. grandparents, childcare providers, etc.)